Falling – but with style

Flying with Microsoft Flight Simulator, even for just a handful of hours, has taught me an immense lot about all the things and even more things that I didn’t know about flying planes (and, presumably, such as but not limited to, helicopters, hot air balloons, autogyros, zeppelins, early 21st century hover-converted DeLoreans, UFOs and actual spaceships), and there are a lot of things that it HASN’T taught me, though not for lack of trying. Lots and lots of trying.

Jones, Sr.: ‘I didn’t know you could fly a plane.’
Jones, Jr.: ‘Fly, yes. Land, no!’
Indiana Jones: The Last Crusade

I had no idea that there would be so many ways to crash an airplane. Or, to be fair and technical, to deprive the airplane of what for lack of a better word I will call flying, mid-flight.

‘What does this button do?’
‘Crash the plane.’
‘Interesting. And this one?’
‘Crashes the plane.’
‘Amazing! And that one there?’
‘That one… will also crash the plane.’
‘Absolutely fascinating. Incidentally, out of sheer curiosity, are there any buttons that won’t crash the plane?’
‘That would depend on who’s doing the pressing.’
‘Then no.’

I LOVE this game!

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