Movie idea

Now hear me out, because I’ve really, really thought this through!

Anyone who has discussed the “Harry Potter” and the “Lord of the Rings” movies know how annoying it can be that a lot of people tend to get the actors portraying Harry Potter and Frodo Baggins mixed up, right?

So picture this…

Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood the way we’re used to seeing them.

Illustration edited and used under Fair Use.

Movie idea: Part 1

A dramatic and convoluted tale of two adversaries, played by Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood, but the two actors keep swapping roles back and forth throughout the movie without warning the audience.

Also they’re listed as Daniel Wood and Elijah Radcliffe in the end credits.

Pretty neat, right? But wait, there’s more…

Movie idea: Part 2

Exactly the same story, still featuring Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood, except the roles are swapped back and forth the other way around.

The end credits now list them as Elijah Radcliffe and Daniel Wood, instead of Daniel Wood and Elijah Radcliffe.

Movie idea: Part 3

Actually two more movies, but still exactly the same story, except one has only Daniel Radcliffe in it and the other has only Elijah Wood, each playing both parts in their respective movies.

The end credits will show each respective actor twice.

Movie idea: Part 4

All four of the previous movies, but Daniel Radcliffe does voiceover on Elijah Wood where Elijah Wood plays Daniel Radcliffe’s part, as does Elijah Wood on Daniel Radcliffe where Daniel Radcliffe plays Elijah Wood’s part, and vice versa.

The end credits will be a complete mess.

Movie idea: Part 5

Someone bribes me with a mindbogglingly hefty sum of money to make me stop coming up with these ideas.

No end credits.

Movie idea: Part 6

Fans of Daniel Radcliffe and Elijah Wood catch whiff of these ideas and demand the movies be made. Daniel and Elijah make tons of money, and I get to keep mine.

The end credits list my name under “The idiot who came up with this idea”, and I retire to live happily ever after on my yacht up in the mountains.

• • •

No wizards or hobbits were harmed during the writing of this blog post. Any similarities to real or fictional individuals either living or not quite are the product of the author’s wayward imagination, and a sign that one should stay hydrated and get enough sleep.

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